Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Orlando, FL

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In a world where image matters more than ever, everyone is focused on looking their best. Breast augmentation procedures continue to be a popular choice for those seeking to achieve shapely, well-proportioned breasts and feminine curves, which can boost their confidence. Thanks to advancements in surgery, a method for breast implants that doesn’t use implants is now available.

For those who desire a more subtle and natural-looking result or who simply don’t want to use a man-made implant, breast augmentation with fat transfer (or fat grafting) is an excellent option.

Fat transfer is also helpful for patients who already have implants but have issues with rippling or who would like a narrower cleavage.  Additionally, fat grafting can be used to restore breast volume after implant removal.

What Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

This cosmetic procedure is a natural alternative to breast implants. The process involves using liposuction to harvest unwanted fat from other parts of the body and then injecting it into the breasts.

Common areas to harvest fat from include the abdomen, hips, or thighs, but fat from almost anywhere on the body can be used.

A major benefit of fat transfer that patients love is that they can enhance their breasts and contour other areas of their bodies simultaneously.

Am I a Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Individuals considering fat transfer breast augmentation should be in overall good health, not smoke, have realistic expectations, and be prepared to follow their surgeon’s instructions carefully. They must also have a reasonably-sized fat donor site.

Women who have a strong family history of breast cancer (multiple near relatives with breast cancer) should not use this option.

To find out if you’re a candidate and discuss your options, schedule a consultation with us today.

How Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Differ From Implants?

There are a few key differences between these two procedures to keep in mind:

1. Size:

Fat transfer offers a limited volume increase—usually about one cup size. Implants, on the other hand, allow for much more significant changes in size. Additionally, it is sometimes difficult to predict how much of the fat will “transfer” to the new location.  Often, about 50% of the injected fat will be reabsorbed, so it may take 2-3 sessions of fat grafting to get the size you are hoping for.

2. Shape:

Implants can also give more fullness to the upper portion of the breast than fat grafting alone can.  If you are looking for the full, round “push-up” look, implants may be a better choice.

3. Natural Process and Look:

Fat grafting is 100% natural, as it involves your own tissue—not the use of foreign material. Fat grafting looks very natural.

4. Scars and Complications:

Fat grafting does not leave incisional scars on the breast or have the risk of developing capsular contracture.  However, fat grafting can cause changes in a mammogram or develop firm areas in the early post-operative period.

5. Future Surgery:

After three months of healing, a stable fat grafting result is obtained, and the transferred fat stays in its new location.  However, weight changes can affect the fat graft.  Weight gain may cause the fat graft to enlarge, and weight loss may cause the fat graft to decrease in volume.

There’s no need for implant replacement surgery in 10-15 years, as is typical with implants.

6. Cost:

The initial cost of implant surgery is typically less than fat grafting.

How Is a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Performed?

Advances in fat grafting methods pioneered by plastic surgeons have made fat grafting to the breasts a viable option for patients who desire a subtle, more natural increase in volume.

There are three steps in the fat grafting process:

  • use special liposuction techniques to gently harvest the fat from the donor area;
  • prepare the fat for injection with a centrifuge or special filter device;
  • evenly disperse the fat throughout the recipient site in a slow, controlled manner so that the fat survives the transfer.

What Is the Recovery From Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Like?

After this procedure, your chest will be wrapped in an elastic bandage, compression garment, or surgical bra to reduce swelling and help the fat deposits settle into place.

You should plan to take at least a week off work and other physical activity.

You may experience pain, bruising, swelling, and discomfort in liposuction areas for several weeks. Swelling may persist for up to six months.

To aid your recovery, expect to follow these steps:

  • Sleep on your back.
  • Take medications such as antibiotics and painkillers as directed by your surgeon.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to avoid compressing the breasts.

What Results Can I Expect After My Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Follow your surgeon’s instructions closely to help ensure your best outcome.

After about two-three months, you’ll be able to see your final results. This time frame will vary depending on how your body heals and how much swelling persists. When your healing is complete, your results should stay longterm.

Keep in mind that normal factors that affect the body, such as gravity and weight fluctuations, can still affect the appearance of your breasts.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

This procedure can be performed on its own or in combination with other procedures, such as:

  • A breast lift—to correct sag and give more fullness in the upper portion of the breast without the use of an implant
  • A tummy tuck—for a transformation of the torso without separate recovery times
  • Additional liposuction—to contour areas of the body and remove stubborn pockets of fat

How Much Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Cost in Orlando, FL?

The cost of your fat transfer breast augmentation depends on several factors, including your surgeon’s skill and experience, the amount of fat you’d like removed, desired size increase, and more.

Dr. Fiala’s team will provide you with an inclusive quote at the time of your consultation.

Why Should I Choose Fiala Aesthetics For My Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation?

The decision to pursue cosmetic surgery is exciting yet deeply personal. It is important you choose a qualified surgeon to ensure the best experience and results.

Dr. Fiala is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 25 years of experience, specializing solely in aesthetic surgery. He prioritizes safety and is dedicated to helping patients reach their goals with a custom treatment plan. With his expertise and dedication, you can trust you are in caring and competent hands.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation FAQ

Are results permanent?

It is normal for the body to reabsorb about half of the fat initially placed in the breast. After this period, the results are permanent. However, your body is still subject to the effects of gravity, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and other natural processes.

What if I want to go larger after my first fat grafting?

Additional sessions can certainly be performed once the first round of grafting has healed. However, these are charged separately.

What are the risks of fat transfer breast augmentation?

There are always risks associated with any surgery. For fat grafting breast augmentation, these may include:

  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Fat cell necrosis
  • Infection
  • Cysts
  • Microcalcification

How should I prepare for my fat transfer breast augmentation?

Before surgery, you should:

  • Avoid nicotine use, as this can delay healing.
  • Stop the use of blood thinners and medications that contain aspirin.
  • Make sure you have someone to drive you to and from your surgery and stay with you for at least a day after.

You will receive thorough pre-operative care instructions from Dr. Fiala.

What if I experience complications?

Call the doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Excessive bleeding, swelling, or bruising
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe pain
  • Signs of infection, like fever or yellow discharge

Will fat grafting cause issues with future mammograms?

This has been intensively studied over the past few years, as it has long been a concern.  There are indeed changes that occur in the mammogram after fat grafting.  Fortunately, current studies show that the changes in the mammogram with fat grafting are about the same as those seen after breast reduction surgery, an operation that has been around for decades. Experienced mammographers will have no issues sorting out these changes.

However, currently, fat grafting for patients with a family history of breast cancer is not recommended.

Interested in Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Orlando, FL?

If you are seeking breast augmentation with fat transfer in Orlando, FL, make sure to choose a reputable surgeon like Dr. Fiala. Schedule a consultation to learn more by filling out our online contact form, or call us today at (407) 339-3222. We look forward to hearing from you.


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