Results: both quilting sutures and drains worked significantly better than fibrin glue. Seromas were less common at 30 days than at 15 days in all treatment groups.
Comment: This result pleases me, since I use one of the better techniques (drains) when I perform a tummy tuck. Also, fibrin glue is quite expensive,so avoiding its use saves some money for the patient. The fibrin glue, even though it sounds high-tech and modern, failed to perform here. The results of using fibrin glue during facelift surgery have also been unimpressive in other studies.
In general, seromas are more common if:
– liposuction is performed at the same time as a tummy tuck,
– in patients that are having an abdominoplasty following gastric bypass surgery with massive weight loss
Fortunately, most of the time, even if a seroma appears, it’s a minor, short-term nuisance, and is easily handled.