How long does Botox last?

How long does Botox last?

Posted on January 26, 2016

How Long Does Botox Last | Anti-Aging | Orlando |Plastic SurgeryBotox is a solution to treat facial signs of aging for people who do not want to undergo facial cosmetic surgery. But the patients should be aware that the results with Botox are only temporary. The good part is that the treatment may be repeated in the future to extend the aesthetic benefits.
Leading board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Fiala provides Botox injectable treatment through his practice as well as medical spa. Dr. Fiala and his team offer Botox and other solutions in a state of the art environment, ensuring complete safety and comfort for the patients. The practice provides Botox injections to patients in Orlando, Altamonte Springs, FL, and other communities.

Sustainability of Results

Most of the patients who receive Botox injections for the first time can expect to enjoy the results for about four to six months. Over time, the strength of the botulinum toxin A reduces in the treated muscles, causing the muscle to return to its regular active state. This enables the same wrinkles and lines to reappear on the face, which were directly related to the muscle.
In the long run, if an individual continues to repeat Botox treatments under the guidance of a plastic surgeon or a trained and experienced Botox provider, the effectiveness of the treatment may improve. The wrinkles and lines on the face will tend to become less prominent because the underlying muscles will be trained to stay in a relaxed state due to repetitive action.
In many cases, an individual may require fewer treatments of Botox injectable or the gap between treatments may progressively increase over time. Leading cosmetic surgery expert Dr. Fiala receives patients from Orlando, Altamonte Springs, FL and nearby areas for this aesthetic treatment.

Variation in Sustainability

Different patients will experience different degrees of sustainability of results with Botox. An individual with more robust facial muscles will usually form more prominent frown lines. In such a case, as the strength of botulinum toxin begins to fade, the motion of the wrinkle forming muscle may return more quickly because the muscle is more resilient.
Individuals with less bulky facial muscles may enjoy the benefits for a relatively longer period. Men typically have strong facial muscles as compared to women, and in their case the results may sustain only for about three to four months.

Repeating the Treatment

Some individuals may be interested in prolonging the benefits of Botox with repeat treatments. If the patient does not want to leave any gap between treatments, they should keep a check on when the muscle movement seems to be returning back to normalcy. This movement can be noticed before the actual contraction of the muscle and the deepening of the furrow between the brows.
However, repeat treatment should be sought only as per the advice of the Botox professional, and the necessary gap between two treatments may have to be maintained. The volume of medication administered during a single treatment may also have an impact on how long the results will persist.
For more information of the treatments and procedures offered at this Plastic Surgery Center & Orlando Medical Spa by Dr. Thomas Fiala please contact us at (407) 339-3222 or visit ; ;


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