OT: a little travel humor

OT: a little travel humor

Posted on December 10, 2010

With the holiday travel season fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a bit about TSA’s X-ray scanner. I’m all for effective security measures, but I’m not a fan of the travellers dilemma: TSA pat-down / assault versus the who-knows-whether-it’s-really safe X-ray scanner run by non-medical people who have no idea what they’re using.

Surfing the net, I found the perfect answer to express my frustration. It’s a T-shirt, with the U.S. Constitution’s fourth amendment on it – the one prohibiting unwarranted searches – but it’s written in metallic ink.
It’s a normal looking T-shirt, but when you go thru the TSA X-ray machine, the printed message on the shirt lights up like a Christmas tree on the TSA’s computer view-screen.
The company also makes boxer shorts with the same message!


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