Who gets the most cosmetic surgery training & experience in residency?
Posted on February 29, 2012
Myth #1:
Many people mistakenly believe that plastic surgery residency teaches only reconstructive surgical techniques, and not the cosmetic ones.
Myth #2:
Many people think that the more anatomically limited fields of dermatology, ophthalmology, or facial plastic surgery must get more cosmetic surgery experience during residency than the over-worked plastic surgery resident, who has to master techniques covering the entire body, including craniofacial, burns, pediatric plastics and hand surgery, during their residency.The reality: neither myth is true. Plastic surgery teaches both cosmetic and reconstructive techniques. They actually support each other – you can perform a better looking reconstruction if you know what the “beautiful normal” version of a body part looks like.
Comparing the surgical training in the various different fields
1. Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
Plastic surgery residents graduating in 2010 completed an average of 31.4 blepharoplasties. During the same year, residents in ophthalmology and otolaryngology (facial plastics) graduated with 9.1 and 6.3 procedures each. This relationship was also true for the graduating classes of 2007-2009. So, graduating plastic surgeons have three times more cosmetic blepharoplasty experience than graduating ophthalmologists and five times more exxperience than a graduating facial plastic surgeon.
2. Facelift
Plastic surgery residents graduating in 2010 completed an average of 21.9 facelifts. During the same year, residents in otolaryngology (facial plastics) graduated with an average of 5.2 facelifts. This relationship was also true for the years 2006-2009. So the average plastic surgery trainee has four times the facelift experience of a graduating facial plastic surgeon.
3. Liposuction:
Whereas residents graduating plastic surgery in 2010 completed an average of 40.5 liposuctions, trainees in dermatology and otolaryngology graduated with 0.2 and 1.1 liposuction cases, respectively. The average volume of liposuction recorded by a graduating plastic surgery resident was almost 40 times that performed by the average dermatology or otolaryngology resident. This relationship proved to be similar for analysis of residents graduating in 2009, 2008, and 2007
Bottom line: plastic surgery graduates have substantially more cosmetic surgery experience than graduates from either facial plastic surgery (oto), dermatology, or ophthalmology. So, who are you going to “trust your face to” now?